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Write the Change Competition 2025

Is there a cause that you wish people could really see? Enter the Write the Change Competition 2025!


At the Incandescent Review, we know the power of creative writing to show new perspectives and inspire change. That’s why we are inviting YOU to submit your poetry and/or prose highlighting a social justice issue that you are passionate about, with the theme of this contest being, "What is a social/environmental/political issue you would like to shed light on?"


We are inviting authors ages 13-25 share with us your creative writing (poetry or prose) to explore these complex and significant issues. Use these genres to tell a compelling story, show an intimate perspective, etc.


In addition, we ask that you submit a separate document highlighting a non-profit organization that works to tackle this issue. $50 will go directly to the winning author and $100 will be a donation to the winner’s chosen organization to reward the work of the writer and support the essential work of the organization. 


The winning author will be highlighted in the Summer 2025 issue of the Incandescent Review magazine. In addition to the contest prize, all authors will be considered for publication in the Summer 2025 issue as honorable mentions. 

After your submission, we will be in touch with you via email. Final decisions will be announced June 01, 2025!


Submission Guidelines:

  • The contest is open to authors ages 13-25! Please provide your age in the email. 

  • Participants can submit up to 3 submissions in either the poetry or prose genre.

  • The page limit for a single poem is 3 pages. The page limit for a prose piece is 8 pages.

  • The submission should be 11-12pt font, single spaced if poetry, and double spaced for prose.

  • All submissions must be in English. If you include words or phrases in another language, please include their English translations at the bottom of your submission.

  • Submissions should be sent to with the title Attn: Write the Change Submission. 

    • Attach your original work as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf. Do not share a google doc, upload your file separately. Do not include the writer or artist’s name anywhere on the title box or document. We read all submissions name-blind.

    • Paste a short author bio (max 100 words) and artist statement (max 200 words) in the body of your email. The artist statement will describe your chosen issue and why you feel that this message should be shared.

    • Attach a description of your chosen organization in a pdf to your email as well. In the document, include a description of the activity of the organization, link to their website, and link to send donations. Give care into selecting a reputable and helpful organization, as this is part of our judging process. 

  • The competition is free to enter, with a submission deadline of April 30th at midnight.



  • Winner: $50 cash prize + $100 donation to chosen organization + Publication in The Incandescent Review Issue 19 (Summer 2025). 

  • Honorable Mentions: Publication in The Incandescent Review Issue 19 (Summer 2025)


Light the way, write the change! 


We look forward to reviewing your work!


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